For Better, Or For Worse

Something has been really heavy on my heart lately. Recently, Adam and I have been going through a lot of very personal things that have changed us in ways that I never thought possible. They gave a whole new meaning to the vows that we said six months ago, “For better or for worse.” To me, when you marry someone, you marry all of them. You marry the “burping at really inappropriate times”, and the “saying the right thing at the wrong time to make you start crying” person that they are. To be honest, I would be lying if I said that these past six months haven’t been hard. Believe me, that have been. But, I would also be lying if I said that they hadn’t been a blast either.

I have a confession to make, marriage is a lot harder than it looks. I know that it hasn’t been that long for me and Adam, but in the 3 and a half years that we have been together, we have been through hell. And in that 3 years, I have seen a lot of marriages that made me wonder about if it was really what I wanted. With that said, I have also seen a lot that have shown me the exact opposite of that statement. I will also admit, Adam and I fight. A lot. Okay, we mostly bicker. But at the end of the day we still love each other, and as long as we still have that, I think I can take whatever life throws at me.

Now for the part where I make some people cry… Briana, get your tissues. A major part of who I am as a spouse comes from how I watched someone very important to me take care of my Mom. When my Mom got sick, Jim was the perfect husband. He was loving, supportive, and always there. Even when she was a complete pain in the ass (maybe that’s where I get it from?), he never left her side. I had the bonus of seeing them on their worst days, and seeing them on their best, and what I always saw was the absolute love that he had for her. Now, because of that, I want to be able to be like for Adam. I want to be loving, and supportive. I even hope that I can be understanding (sometimes it’s hard for me to be). I just know that there were a lot of reasons to be a better person and a better wife to Adam, and a lot of that comes from having a great role model.

With all of that said, Adam, I know that times are tough right now, and that it may seem like the odds aren’t in our favor, but it’s all the reason to keep going and prove them wrong! 
I Love You 


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