Mac and Cheese Anyone?

So as nothing interesting has happened since my last post, I decided I would tell you all about my cooking fails. This post is about something I should have known was going to end very badly. Crock-Pot Mac and Cheese sounded good when I was thinking about it. Then as we got the ingredients, it started sounding a little less good. By the time I ate it, the concrete of two cheeses and mushy pasta had made me realize how awful it was and that I should have just made it on the stove top like I usually do.
We should have known that it was going to end up bad as I decided to make it on Friday the 13th. First clue. Second clue should have been when we got the brick of off brand Velveeta cheese. Then came putting it all together. Everything was going great up until it came to put the pasta in. I cut up half of the cheese brick, put milk, seasonings, and a touch of water into the crock. As soon as I got down the pasta, I knew we were in trouble. I had a quarter of a bag of elbow macaroni. Not really that big of a deal because I thought I had some penne. 5 lbs. of spaghetti noodles later (who needs that much pasta???) and it turns out the only other thing to use was boxed macaroni noodles. So, I got those down, and tossed the orange powder into the trash and added them into the pot.
The recipe said to let it cook on low for 3 hours, and then it should be done. So hour one, I went and stirred the pot and nothing was really happening. I was starting to worry because we usually have dinner around 5 or 5:30. Hour 2, now we were cooking with gas! Just kidding. It was still electricity. Anyways, the pasta was done because I used such small noodles, and the cheese was just a giant ball in the middle of milk. Lovely. Because I was getting nervous, I stirred the pot at 2 ½ hours too just to make sure. So the mixture was still super milky and I decided to add more cheese. That is probably the last step to making this turn out terrible.
At 5 o’clock, dinner was ready. Adam said he wasn’t hungry yet so I decided to eat without him. I’m pretty sure he was just at a really good part of his video game and didn’t want to stop playing yet. Well, I got my bowl and decided that this mac can’t be too bad. I mean, after all, it is cheese and pasta. Two of my favorite things. Three bites in and I was full. It was like eating glue with how thick it was, and after about ten minutes, it felt like there was a giant ball of concrete in my stomach. That is how heavy this turned out to be. I gave the rest of my bowl to Adam to eat, and he could hardly finish it. So now, we have a Tupperware of concrete mac and cheese in our fridge. At least if someone breaks in, we could knock them out.
With all that said, I would rate this recipe at a 5. It is super easy to put together, but the cooking time made the pasta a little too mushy, and it was bland. Even after adding bacon and seasonings that weren’t apart of the original recipe. Now that I just wrote an entire post about this, I believe I’m going to go figure out what other recipes I can ruin. Happy eating!
