Christmas Cookies
This Christmas was a fun one... I mean that. I got a pasta maker and all of the trimmings from Adam. I can't wait to dig into that and make a giant mess! :) I also made a ton of Christmas cookies with Adam's mom. And by a ton, I do mean, a ton. From Rosettes to Snicker doodles, we covered all of the bases. It was also a hard time for me. Here I was, making these cookies and I was taken back to when my own mom and I would make them. That was one of our favorite things to do together. We cooked and we baked cookies. My favorite memories of my mom are from the holidays. We would watch movies when I got home from school and go on a wrapping spree. One year my thing was DVDs for all my siblings. That was the last Christmas we all had with her and man was it a blast! We got loaded up on Roast Beast and then watched the Super Troopers that I got Dad for Christmas and I promptly passed out on the floor. But the best part of the holidays that we enjoyed were the baking of the 10 dozen Christmas Cookies for Laurie's Christmas Cookie Exchange Party. My Moms favorite thing to do however was to wait until the day before to do them so we got to bust out all of them AND share the kitchen with Dad and whatever strange creations he wanted to make that day. I usually made my (as Laurie called them) famous chocolate chip cookies (they aren't nearly as good as my brothers), and my mom would either make Snicker doodles or Spritz cookies. That year, she decided to make the Spritz. It wouldn't have been such a problem if she would have had the cool electric gun that Adams mom has, or just sprinkled them. But she wanted me to frost them. So, naturally, I did. And, naturally, I made the biggest mess in the world. The gels we got to pipe them with didn't work well so they went everywhere! She didn't really care though... they still tasted just as good. The holidays lost a little bit of their magic when she left, but hopefully, I can bring it back.
Happy Holidays From The Eilermans,
Adam, Katie, and Spaz
