Dear Mom

  So this is the Second year without my Mom on Mother's Day. It might not seem like a big deal to some, as they have lost their Mom before me, or they recently lost theirs, but I believe it all hurts the same. Here is this Holiday in which you celebrate the person that gave you life, and the person that gave me life didn't get a chance to live theirs all the way. I would be lying if I said it didn't suck. Then to think that the other person I would often get a present for and celebrate is no longer here hurts all the more too. You see, every year until we moved to Riverside, my Dad would make breakfast for my Mom and us kids, and then we would go over to Mema's so that they could open presents. One year, Mema took us shopping and we got my Mom all of this yard stuff and she absolutely loved it. We also went mini golfing that year, if I remember correctly.
  Anyways, I would like to think that my Mom is happier where she is now, along with Mema and every other family member we have lost. I would also like to think that she is proud and is having a ball right now going purse shopping and road tripping with Mema, or whatever it is she does up there.
  To the motherless on Mother's Day, I would like you to know that you are not alone in this. I know that it sucks. And that sometimes you want to rip your hair out and scream and cry. I find myself wanting to do that all the time when something happens that I know my Mom either would love or have an awesome response to. Just remember, just because they have passed, does not mean that they are not still your Mom. They still loved you, and you still have a part of them in you. So find a way to celebrate them. Whether it is visiting their grave, going to their favorite place to eat, or listening to their favorite artist, honor their memory. Make sure that they aren't forgotten, because they are still your Mother.

