
So this past week and a half has been a tough one. For those readers of mine (you do exist right?) who didn't know, we lost a very important person in our family. Loosing your mom is a very hard thing to go through, but you know that there is someone who is always having a harder time with it than you. Their Mom. A mother should never have to bury their daughter, and in turn, a child should never have to bury their mother. On Thursday the 18th of February, Mema passed away and joined my Mom for more road trips and shenanigans. I was told that she went in her sleep, much like my mom did. And I can only hope that she knew how much we all loved her. I remember when I was little, she would take my sister and I on the weekends my mom had us sometimes so that my mom could get a little break. On those weekends, we would make cookies on Saturday, go to the park, and on Sunday we would have breakfast. Alex, if you're reading this, I hope you remember this part.... We would make waf...