
Showing posts from February, 2016


So this past week and a half has been a tough one. For those readers of mine (you do exist right?) who didn't know, we lost a very important person in our family. Loosing your mom is a very hard thing to go through, but you know that there is someone who is always having a harder time with it than you. Their Mom. A mother should never have to bury their daughter, and in turn, a child should never have to bury their mother. On Thursday the 18th of February, Mema passed away and joined my Mom for more road trips and shenanigans. I was told that she went in her sleep, much like my mom did. And I can only hope that she knew how much we all loved her.   I remember when I was little, she would take my sister and I on the weekends my mom had us sometimes so that my mom could get a little break. On those weekends, we would make cookies on Saturday, go to the park, and on Sunday we would have breakfast. Alex, if you're reading this, I hope you remember this part.... We would make waf

Who I Am

Who I am      If you asked me 5 years ago who i though i would be today, I would have said this : a graduate, a nurse, a good person. I would be someone people would think about and smile. A famous poet, maybe. or an apprentice to my mom. At 15 I had all kinds of ideas of who I would be, where I would be. New York, San Fransisco, somewhere exciting. At 17, I was planning on going to a school in New York to be come an Actor. Doing the applications with my then best friend was a ball. But, I couldn't justify leaving Spokane for myself.   Flash forward 5 years and here I am. Laying on my bed, writing a blog about who I am. I have some lyrics stuck in my head that make perfect sense right now.  "I'm a saint and I'm a sinner, I'm a loser; I'm a winner,I am steady and unstable,I'm young, but I am able". When I look back on who i thought I would be, I am not at all surprised that none of those things happened.  5 years ago, I wanted nothing more than t


I just typed up an amazing looking recipe for dinner tonight that made me think of some of the weird things my Mom made my sister and I sometimes. The oven nachos, and white pizza are still my favorite. I am taken back to when she attempted to make steak while on the phone with Aunt Juli.... she never tried that again. Too much pepper! I keep on thinking about how the food I make is very close to the type she would make. I made meatloaf this week and thought about how it was the same way she did it, with the same sauce.   I realized that no matter what I do, I will always have some part of my mom influencing everything that I do. And that is okay. You don't have to worry about never knowing what to do at least! When I look out of a window, I don't just see sky. I see the perfect time of day to take a picture. When I make a dish, I think of the perfect seasonings to add to make it "just right".  How I drive, dress, and talk, all comes back to how she raised me. I am