
Showing posts from October, 2016

Rainbow Wings

Today I had a discussion with a friend of mine about something that I realized some people don’t know about me. In the video I did, I don’t believe I mentioned something that is a big part of me and my husband. In May, we helped with the Drama production and I was sitting in the cafeteria about to throw up because the smell of Adam’s salad was making me sick. For that entire week, all I could eat was saltine crackers, and drink water or peach tea. Come to find out, it was morning sickness. The night the play opened though, I got a slap in the face from Mother Nature. I figured it was just a stomach bug that I had, but I was concerned about how painful and, to be honest, disgusting my period was. I went to the doctor and we discussed it, and came to the conclusion that it was probably an early miscarriage. Adam and I walked out of that doctor’s appointment, and by the time I got to the car, I was numb. A week earlier we were sitting on stage talking to our friends about how we we

A Drink From Heaven

So here we are. October. My 21 st birthday is tomorrow, and I have plans. But you know what they are? Sleep. I have to work until 8 AM tomorrow then I get to sleep. By the time I wake up, my birthday will be almost gone. But as I don’t drink much, it’s kind of just another birthday. I mean yes, I can now buy the alcohol that I drink maybe twice a year, but it’s just another reminder that the signature on my arm will not be on another card. I remember my 19 th birthday like it was yesterday. My mom and Jim had taken me out to Red Robin for dinner. I had a bacon burger, and my mom had clam chowder. I don’t remember what Adam and Jim had, but it probably wasn’t that good for them. Anyways, I remember getting this ridiculous card that had wiener dogs on it that stretched out into a conga line and played the music. I had shown that card to my mom a week before in Bi-Mart when we went to get her pills. Two weeks after my birthday, she couldn’t drive her truck anymore. 2 months later