
Showing posts from August, 2016

From The Heart

So it’s 12:30 A.M. while I am typing this out. I have my Pandora Radio on playing Lady Antebellum and I’m just trying to think of a way to word what I want to say. Sometimes I have a hard time with things. Hard to believe right? A human having a hard time? Never! But some things are harder for me to handle than other things. Its hard for me to watch someone I love kill themselves slowly. And I guess now that I finally got to my point, I should explain.  About two weeks ago, I found out that someone that I love is drinking themselves into an early grave. And I made the decision to cut them out of my life from that point. It wasn’t because I was mad, because I truly was, it was because I didn’t want to watch them die. You see, the last time that they drank, they ended up in the hospital and didn’t know if they were ever coming home. We didn’t know if they were either. And then I find out that they are drinking again? Seriously? I’ll admit, I was supremely pissed. But at the same t