South Pend Oreille

So today was the Pancake Feed that SPOFR does every year. For me, this was my 6th year doing it and it gets better and better every year. Even though we were only there for a little bit, I had a blast. I came away with some congratulations on my marriage, people telling me not to beat my husband, and smelling like bacon and fire extinguisher (unrelated, I promise). The reason I choose to write about this is because I think that SPOFR is a very important part of my life. For one, it gave me my volunteer hours to graduate. It also helped in other ways. I have been able to serve my community in a number of ways. For example, the pancake feed. Within the first hour this year, we had 80 people coming through the line. That was almost what we had altogether last year! When we left, the count was far past that. I love helping because it means I get to serve members of the community and give back to the guys who save your butt if your house catches on fire or you crash your car. Anoth...