Teal Winged Awareness

So it has begun. September. Changing of the seasons, the coming of winter. I honestly can't say that I'm going to miss Summer. I mean what's not to love with hot temperatures, exceedingly painful migraines, and no rain? I'm looking forward to the next 6 months because they are truly the most beneficial to me. September-November bring a lot of celebrations, and then December-February bring a lot of memories to sift through and cherish. This month is a very important month to me. September 1st marks the start of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. This month is so vital to the Ovarian Cancer community because it raises awareness for a disease that doesn't really get noticed that much because of its sister Breast Cancer. So lets change that! On average, the 10- year rate of someone with Breast Cancer is 83%, and the 15- year rate is 78%. If the cancer is located only in the breast , the 5 - year relative survival rate of people with breast cancer is 99%. Sixty-...